The end of another year....

As the weather in Southern California has been raining and storming all day and night, I drop by my virtual reality world at IMVU to check on my homes there. I decide to update my avatar haircut to a grown-out pixie haircut that looks similar to mine as well as buy a small jet to ride with my invited guests. I chat with an avatar guest at his homes and locales while listening to his music. As we try to start a pool game, he leaves or crashes.
I check on my email and some fan mail, responding to each. After eating dinner of Chinese noodles and Starbucks coffee, I realize I need to go to the gym tonight. I also need to drop by my other virtual city, Facebook Yoville, where I have an apartment with a hot tub that faces the ocean and the beach. Yoville is much smaller than IMVU, but the 2D avatars of Yoville are just as eclectic as the 3D avatars of IMVU. I go there on my private IMVU jet that I recently acquired through my IMVU credits.
As I park my private jet at Mozilla Foxfire International Airport, I hop on a Mozilla Foxfire taxicab with my luggage, and the driver zooms me toward Facebook. Zooming through Cyperspace, I think about all the problems that I recently have had with Explorer International Airport, and those muthafuckas called viruses, spyware and bugs that recently infected my computer for the 4th time, forcing me to start my internet life one more time by reinstalling window xp internet rebirth. Those viruses, spyware and bugs had stolen all my files and documents that I had saved on my hard drive. My semi-precious work that I worked hard to earn. And, I had forgotten to place insurance on them by backing them up into CDs and floppies. Where are the internet police, CIA and FBI when you need them?
I enter Yoville and go straight to the factory to get my paycheck. I hang out there, chatting with the 2D locals and earning some extra Yoville Income. I am only a Supervisor at the Factory, and I seem to live a humble life there. But at IMVU, I enjoy a high-paying job of Art Director, working in my own IMVU office until dawn. I also need to drop by a IMVU fashion magazine to contribute some fashion ideas to their editor-in-chief there, on a monthly basis. While in reality, I am a freelance ghostwriter, copywriter and feature writer, struggling to make my freelance online career into a lucrative full-time online career. Maybe my goal will be achieved in 2009. Meanwhile, 2008 has been a journey with marketing, meeting different people worldwide, interviews, my book promotion tour, getting many writing online jobs, and hanging out and relaxing with Gumby D'Arcy, my kitty pimp. That sums up my 2008 as December comes to an end. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to my fans all over the world. USA has a new president now. Let's hope world affairs and politics improves next year, as well, as we look forward to World Peace, happiness, Green Life, and a better life, next year.
Posted on Tuesday 16 of December, 2008, 05:22:04