Another day goes by fast. I need to wake up from my avatar fantasy world, and continue drawing my graphic novel. Procrastination...is that one of the 7 deadly sins...which can be translated as sloth?
Posted on Friday 08 of February, 2008, 01:53:01
Tuesday 19 of February, 2008
Posted on Tuesday 19 of February, 2008, 11:49:18
Posted on Friday 08 of February, 2008, 01:53:01
Posted on Thursday 07 of February, 2008, 23:56:27
Posted on Sunday 03 of February, 2008, 08:38:23
Posted on Tuesday 22 of January, 2008, 06:13:17
Posted on Friday 18 of January, 2008, 10:52:05
Posted on Thursday 03 of January, 2008, 10:33:37
Posted on Friday 28 of December, 2007, 23:23:03
Posted on Monday 24 of December, 2007, 10:55:41
Finally published my novel, The Sand Dollar, at North Carolina self-publishing called Lulu Press.
10/8/06Irvine, CA, Digital Artist designs promotional materials, postcards and business cards, for distribution locally in person and internationally via the internet.
10/23/06On Lulu Storefront News, Fifi Leigh participates in a news conference for The Sand Dollar criticism of government and media corruption content. She is credited for breaking with the publishing system and making the type of fiction novels that she wants to make in the face of the publishing industry. Lulu Press has released the novel to the public.
11/2/06Advanced Screening Q&A session by Mannequin Magazine critic who works in publishing interviews Fifi Leigh for a magazine profile to further promote The Sand Dollar on Myspace.
2/19/07Irvine, CA--Fifi Leigh promotes her novel at her colleges. She goes to 2 college events, a festival with a sporting event and a conference to officially debut The Sand Dollar on the red carpet.
2/20/07Internet promotional sites are established on various profile pages throughout the world wide web, allowing Fifi Leigh to permeate her ads and marketing material internationally and nationally for mass communication.
3/07Fifi Leigh Fan Club has been started on Geocities to further promote The Sand Dollar for people who enjoy Fifi Leigh's entertaining and light writing style.
4/07Book Review by Mannequin Magazine
5/07Irvine, CA Premier at WU--Fifi Leigh receives a warm welcome from her peers as she promotes The Sand Dollar on the red carpet. Her alums join her and discuss their projects. Fifi Leigh talks about the Graphics field with media and press, saying "I will one day. I have always wanted to be a Creative Director. I have done small graphics projects, but I am seeking the right project. Meanwhile, she continues her international tour via the internet as she works on her second novel.
6/07Press Release by Lulu Press has been released and distributed throughout the internet on various profile pages. It is currently circulating for mass communication.
7/07Writers Digest Premier on the internet, where coworker, Anne, shows up for support. They continue to promote their 1st novels on the forum as they work on their 2nd novels. Fifi Leigh helps struggling and stressed writers finish writing their novels by offering tips on writers' block, publishing, editing, and writing.
8/07 to 10/07Irvine, CA--As Fifi Leigh works out in the gym at night to de-stress, she draws her graphic novel during the daytime.
11/07Fifi Leigh finally finishes drawing 40 pages of the prologue and first chapter of the graphic novel. She prepares for the second chapter, working on layout and organization of each page for an artistic and dramatic creative effect. Her fan base increases world wide, and she gains customers in India, Malaysia, and UK as well as locally in the OC area. National fans express their interests to buy a copy.
11/10/07Saturday, 6:30pm, Costa Mesa, CA--Fifi Leigh meets fans in an uptown area during a private screening with powerful business professionals. She has a VIP pass and parties all night at the cocktail party, filled with gin and hors d'oeuvre. Guests include Helen, Hijran, Amar, and Kym.
Posted on Monday 12 of November, 2007, 22:39:58